Text To Park

OFFER EXTENDED! MyParking App Promo: $10.00 day MAX fee rate from 6:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. This rate is only available on online payment platforms (MyParking App and Virtual Pay Machine) at Lot 55, 58, 61 and 75. Active until September 01, 2023.

Text to pay for your parking in any ParkPlus zone!

To start a parking session, text the word "start" and then the four-digit ParkPlus zone number to PPLUS (77587). To end a parking session, text the word "end" and then the four-digit ParkPlus zone number to PPLUS (77587).

Note: to successfully start and end a parking session, you will need to spell the words "start" and "end" correctly. However, they are not case-sensitive. For example, "START", "Start" and "start" will all work to start a parking session.

The ParkPlus system sends confirmation texts to confirm when a parking session has been started or ended. You must receive the confirmation text to be sure that your session has started or ended. If you are not sure, you can call 403-537-7275 and the system will tell you if you have an active session. 

Please note: you must be a ParkPlus cell phone account holder to use this feature. Don't have a ParkPlus cell phone account? Sign up for an account at https://m-cpa.parkplus.ca/login.html. Click on Create Account and follow the instructions.

Why Have "Start" and "End"?

A number of our customers experienced duplicate texts being sent automatically by their cell phone carrier to the ParkPlus system. This would cause parking sessions to either start or stop without the customer's consent.

By specifying whether you want the text to start or stop a parking session, it removes the potential for duplicate text messages to affect a parking session.

Why didn't my text activate a parking session?

A parking session may not be successfully activated for several reasons, including if there are parking restrictions in effect, if there are insufficient funds in the account, or if the zone number is entered incorrectly.

Below is a guide for the messages you may receive from PPLUS.


Message from PPLUS (77587)
What it Means

Not enough funds

There are insufficient funds to cover the parking session. Please add funds to your account by logging in at www.parkplus.ca or by calling 403-537-7275.

Parking restrictions, see signs

Parking is not allowed in that zone. Parking may be restricted; for example, you may be parked in a rush hour zone. Please check the on-street signage to see what parking restriction is in place.

Invalid zone, see signs

The zone entered is not a valid ParkPlus zone. Please check the on-street signs and text the correct zone number.

Phone number is not registered with ParkPlus

The phone number used to text is not registered with a ParkPlus cell phone account or the phone number is blocked. Go to www.parkplus.ca to log into your account and add the number to the account. Or, please call 403-537-7275.

Parking session existed. Parking expiry: dd hh:mm. Zone ####.

You already have a ParkPlus session started. You may have tried to send a "start" text message to the ParkPlus system when a session had already been activated, or your phone may have sent a duplicate text message to the ParkPlus System.

Parking session already stopped.

You have already ended your ParkPlus session. You may have tried to send an "end" text message when a session had already been deactivated, or your phone may have sent a duplicate text message to the ParkPlus System.

Maximum time exceeded for zone

The maximum time you can park in the zone has been exceeded. Please move your vehicle.

Technical issues, use pay machine

ParkPlus is currently experiencing an internal technical problem. Please use a ParkPlus pay machine to pay for parking.

Sorry, this is an invalid keyword. For more info Txt GUIDE to 77587.

You have not entered a word recognized by Text to Park. For example, if you do not include the words "start" or "end", you will receive this message. This means that your text has not started or ended a parking session. In order to successfully start or end a parking session, use the words "start" and "end" in your text messages.


How it Works




1. After you have parked, text 77587 with the word "start" and the four-digit ParkPlus zone number. 

For example, if you parked in zone 2441, in the phone number field, type 77587 and in the message field, type "start 2441" and send the text.

2. A confirmation text will be sent to you notifying you that your parking session has been successfully started.

If you do not receive a confirmation text or receive a text that states the system is unavailable, please call into ParkPlus at 403-537-7275 to confirm the parking transaction. 

3. After returning to your vehicle, text "end" and the zone number to 77587 to end your parking session.

4. A confirmation text will be sent to you to notify you that your parking session has ended.


Please note: standard carrier message rates may apply.


Do not text 403-537-7275 or 403-539-4205. These are numbers used in the regular ParkPlus phone activation process and are not valid for Text to Park.

Account Notifications

ParkPlus cell phone account holders can set notifications in their account settings such as when your parking session is about to expire or when funds are low in your account. Currently, the notifications can be sent via emails or phone calls. 

For more information on Text to Park, please call 403-537-7275 (Toll free 1-888-544-4011) or email parkplus@calgary.ca.